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2022 Conference Speakers

Greetings Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee!

I hope everyone is doing well and looking forward to a fantastic experience BACK ON THE MOUNTAIN!!! Yes, we are planning to return to a fully in person conference this year without a virtual option. So please plan to make your reservation once we are ready to start taking them — we will send another notice soon once that is an option.

I am very appreciative of the work of our board in helping make this year’s conference a reality. It takes a lot of planning and diligence on their part to pull off a successful gathering.

This year the theme is based on Matthew 25:40–The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me.” With that in mind, we have lined up some inspiring speakers who have made their life’s goals to care for those less fortunate than ourselves.

1) Becca Stevens: Episcopal priest who founded Thistle Farms, an amazing organization that houses women who are victims of addiction, prostitution,  and sex trafficking and trains them in skills to be successful contributors to society.

2) Onnie Kirk: Executive director and founder of Family Foundation Fund, “helping mentor boys with absentee fathers, training them to become Christ-centered men who will impact their families and communities for generations to come.”

3) Jarad Bingham: Director of Dragonfly Collective of Memphis, “a social impact development firm specializing in harnessing market forces to create and implement social change.” It has been instrumental in implementing The Hub in Memphis, an effort to address homelessness from many directions including shelter, employment, and health services, all in one location.

So please mark your calendars for August 19-21, 2022 to join us at DuBose. We will send out more info soon about registration. 

I look forward to seeing all of you back on the mountain soon!

Tom DiNella

2022 President
Episcopal Churchmen of Tennessee